Colonic Hydrotherapy
Glow from inside out
Colonic Hydrotherapy is a gentle and effective therapy used for cleansing and toning the colon (the large intestine / bowel).
Warmed filtered water is gently administered via the rectum into the colon at a very low pressure. The water accompanied by gentle abdominal massage, helps to soften faecal matter and hardened deposits removing them along with gas and mucus, parasites, pathogenic yeasts and bacteria which can build up within the colon. This allows for improved bowel peristalsis, regulates bowel movement and improves vital nutrient absorption. Improving the health of the bowel and reducing gut permeability which is linked to brain, hormone and immune health.
Colonic Hydrotherapy works with your body, helping to return your digestive system to a more natural, healthy state.
Health benefits
Colonic Hydrotherapy is very effective for digestive disorders, conditions affected by toxin build up and the natural detoxification and elimination processes in the body. Including:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Sluggish Colon
Diverticulosis (not when inflamed)
Leaky Gut
Skin Problems including Acne, Psoriasis and Eczema
Acid Reflux (Heartburn)
Halitosis (bad breath)
Multiple Sclerosis
Depression and Anxiety
Benefits of a colonic includes increased energy, improved circulation, clearer skin and eyes, enhanced mental clarity, weight balancing, better digestion, relief from bloating and it’s associated heaviness and improved skin.
For best results I use colonic hydrotherapy alongside personalised nutrition and lifestyle programmes.
“When the intestines are dirty, the blood is dirty, and so are the organs and tissues. It is the intestinal system that has to be cared for before any effective healing can take place.”
Dr. Bernard Jensen
Glow from inside out.
Why Colonic Hydrotherapy?
Our intestines are the final parts of our digestive system. They are made up of both small and large intestines. The walls of our intestinal system allow for a two-way filtered flow of compounds. This allows for the nutrients and required compounds to be absorbed into blood stream and carried off to be used in the many metabolic functions in the body. And for toxins and metabolic waste products no longer required and detrimental to bodily function, to be dumped into the colon (large intestine) for faecal excretion.
If digestion is not regular (once per day), and the bowel becomes stagnant, toxins can become unbound from their outgoing package and be reabsorbed back through the intestinal wall back into the bloodstream. Which can cause mayhem to the body organs and disturb systems as they are re-processed again for removal. Resulting in some unwanted symptoms.
Our modern lives are becoming increasingly toxic. We are subjected to numerous environmental toxins and stressors which impact the body. Interfering with body systems, and putting additional pressure on digestion, hormone, detoxification, immune and nervous system function. These include environmental pollutants, pharmaceutical drugs, smoking or vaping, contraceptives, unfiltered water, plastics and xenoestrogens, food chemicals and additives, processed foods and carcinogenic substances. Chemicals in our homes, beauty products, cleaning products and many more. Accompanied by a western diet of refined sugars, fats, high dairy and meat intake along with alcohol. Our bodies are burdened and this is evident in the rise of chronic illness and disease.
The ideal transit time of food through the body is 18-24 hours. On average in the UK now transit time is 60 hours for men & 70 for women! The UK is a very constipated nation. Bowel Cancer is also rising, with over 40,000 new cases of bowel cancer diagnosed annually. Bowel Cancer is now the 4th most prevalent and 2nd most deadly cancer in the UK.
What to expect during your colonic hydrotherapy treatment
During your first treatment you will have a health history review and discussion on the symptoms you are experiencing along with your aims for the treatment. I will explain the therapy, the equipment and the therapies benefits. This will last approximately one hour.
The colonic hydrotherapy treatment itself will take approximately 45minutes, during which warm filtered water will be introduced into the rectum via a speculum. Abdominal massage techniques are used to assist in the release of faecal matter in the congested areas of the colon. During the treatment water pressure and temperature will be monitored and changed accordingly to stimulate peristalsis of the colon. I will also use a coffee enema and herbal infusions if appropriate. Each treatment is tailored to the needs of the individual and will vary depending on the response of the colon to the treatment.
Subsequent follow-up treatments will last a total of one hour and will include a follow up conversation, to discuss any changes since the last treatment, and include the treatment itself.
How many treatments will I need?
The amount of treatments depends on your current health state, lifestyle, dietary habits, medications prescribed and medical history. My aim is to get the bowel into a healthy function and ideally eliminate the symptoms you are experiencing.
Follow up treatments will help me to assess the response of body and bowel to the initial treatment and to provide ongoing advice and support your digestive health. Once the course of treatments is in progress I will assess and then suggest a maintenance programme, which can be anything from once every month to every 12 months. It is completely individual to the person based on your needs.
How to prepare for a colonic
There are a few simple things you can do to help prepare the body for a colonic;
Please avoid eating a heavy meal 1-2 hours before your colonic.
Please do not drink any alcohol before your colonic.
Three days before I suggest you;
Reduce your intake caffeine and sugar
Eliminate processed and fried foods
Reduce dairy products and meat
Drink plenty of water
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
Colonic Hydrotherapy FAQs
Contact me for booking.
Please note that Colonic Hydrotherapy appointments are currently carried out at the Glastonbury clinic.